Monday, October 17, 2011

Teaching English at Junior High School

First of all, it is important to understand the word “teaching”. It is true since the term teaching has many definitions. Meanwhile, Martin ... thumbnail 1 summary
First of all, it is important to understand the word “teaching”. It is true since the term teaching has many definitions. Meanwhile, Martin (1998: 425) states that teaching refers to give instructions, knowledge, and skill to somebody. It means that teaching is a process of giving knowledge or skill by some instructions. In lined with Martin, Brown (2000: 7) points out that teaching is guiding and facilitating learning, enabling the learners to earn, setting the conditions for learning. It means that the process of teaching involves conveying science or knowledge from teacher to learner. Besides, this process impact attitudes, values, knowledge, and skill from educated person to others. In addition, it guides someone to learn. 
From the definition above, a conclusion can be drawn that teaching English refers to guiding and facilitating the learners in learning English, enabling the learners to learn English, setting the conditions for learning English.
In accordance with the institution of Junior High School, English is an obligatory lesson in teaching and learning process in each semester. The reason of being that is English plays important role as an international language in the world. In addition, teaching English in Junior High School is expected to be able to prepare the student for continuing their study to the next level of academic.

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