Monday, October 17, 2011

The Mastery of Elliptical Sentences with So, Too, Either and Neither by Using PGR Technique to the Ninth Year Students of MTs Raudlotut Tholibin Sidomulyo Jekulo Kudus in the Academic Year 2007/2008

The Mastery of Elliptical Sentences with So, Too, Either and Neither by Using PGR Technique to the Ninth Year Students of MTs Raudlotut Thol... thumbnail 1 summary
The Mastery of Elliptical Sentences with So, Too, Either and Neither by Using PGR Technique to the Ninth Year Students of MTs Raudlotut Tholibin Sidomulyo Jekulo Kudus in the Academic Year 2007/2008

English is the most widespread language in the world. In some countries, English is the sole or dominant language. Considering the importance of English above, the government of Indonesia has chosen it to be taught at schools as the first foreign language. It is taught as a compulsory subject at the junior high school and senior high school.
The teaching of English as a foreign language for Indonesian students is different from the teaching of Indonesian as a mother tongue. It is because students have had special concept of their native language that is different from English. As far as we know that, in learning English, students will obviously find many kinds of problems involved in the sentence structure. These problems are caused mostly by the different elements between Indonesian and English as the target language being learnt. It may be caused by the teaching technique which is used by the teacher to present the material is not appropriate. For that reason, the writer is encouraged to analyze such the phenomenon.
This analysis study is carried out to: (i) To know the teaching of Elliptical Sentence of the Ninth grade Students of MTs Raudlotut Tholibin Sidomulyo Jekulo Kudus in the academic year 2007/2008 who are taught by using PGR. (ii) To know the teaching of Elliptical Sentence of the Ninth grade Students of MTs Raudlotut Tholibin Sidomulyo Jekulo Kudus in the academic year 2007/2008 who are taught by using Lecturing technique.(iii) To know whether there is a significant difference between the teaching of Elliptical Sentence of the Ninth grade Students of MTs Raudlotut Tholibin Sidomulyo Jekulo Kudus in the academic year 2007/2008 who are taught by using PGR and those who are taught by using Lecturing technique
This research uses the quantitative approach. In addition, this research uses classroom research in trying to obtain the important and sufficient data. The population in this study is all the ninth year students of MTs Raudlotut Tholibin Sidomulyo Jekulo.
From analyzing the data of this research, it was obtained that; (i) The teaching of Elliptical Sentence of the Ninth grade Students of MTs Raudlotut Tholibin Sidomulyo Jekulo Kudus in the academic year 2007/2008 by using PGR Technique gives more significant effect. It is based on the result of mean calculation of the experimental class is 80,45. (ii) The teaching of Elliptical Sentence by the Ninth grade Students of MTs Raudlotut Tholibin Sidomulyo Jekulo Kudus in the academic year 2007/2008 by using Lecturing technique gives less significant effect. It is based on the result that the mean calculation of the control class is 60,95, (iii) The PGR technique is significantly more effective than lecturing for teaching Elliptical Sentence with so, too, either and neither. It is based on the result of t-test that the to value is 10 and tt (df = 78) 5% =1,99. so that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. This statement could be written in statistical form as to > tt


  1. Assalamualaikum..
    saya sedang malakukan penelitian tindakan kelas dgn metode PGR, bisakah saya mendapatkan pnjelasan yg lebih rinci tentang PGR disini?
    mohon bantuannya...

  2. Thank you so much for visiting this blog. Let me explain at a glance about the PGR Technique. I wonder if you can send your email or your facebook account, so I can explain clearly. To the point :

    PGR Technique is suitable for teaching the structure item because it is not complicated. Thought elliptical sentence involve the use various tense, the students will not find difficulties in the grammar point. They will be able to decide when they should use so, too, either, and neither and to identify the similar parts of the compound sentence that should be combined. The process of identifying the similar parts found in two simple sentences and omitting them in the new (combined) sentence seem to be mechanical. Through careful observation, the students will surely be able to do such a thing.
    PGR stands for Practice Generalization and Reinforcement. This technique consists of three stages of teaching. They are practice, generalization and reinforcement stage. Each stage has own characteristic and different purpose
    PGR technique involves three stages of teaching. They are explained clearly as follow
    1. Practice
    In this stage, the students are given some practice of elliptical sentence using so, too, either, and neither. First, they are introduced to the example about how to combine two simple sentences by using those four words. Then they must do some oral exercise so that the teacher will be able to know whether they can do exercise correctly. If the students make some mistakes, the teacher can correct them so that the students know the correct answer.
    2. Generalization
    For this stage, the teacher should provide the students with a task usually in the form of questions. The questions should ask about the structure item being taught and the answers to the questions should lead the students to the understanding of the structure item or the communicative function. By so doing they are expected to learn the function or use the structure item by themselves consciously. The process of learning undergone by the students is indirect. Therefore, they are learning inductively.
    3. Reinforcement
    The activity during this stage resembles that in the traditional technique namely lecturing. The role of the teacher is as an instructor. He or she speaks all the time and the students just listen and listen to their teacher. What makes the PGR different from lecturing is that in this reinforcement stage. The teacher should only tell the important points about the structure item. Besides, the teacher should explain it in English.
    In this stage, the teacher must relate the student’s generalization to the concept he is going to explain. The teacher must explain the form and the function of the grammar as clearly as possible. However, he should focus on the most important information only. The other details can be supplied during the practice stages or test. Sufficient examples are needed. The use of mother tongue is recommended.
    The explanation it self should not take much time. The explanation can be omitted if the teacher is sure that the students have understood the structure item. This can be seen from their answer in the generalization stage.


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